Master Spoken English (Video course)-8VCD 8 VCD 875 Mb
Author: Code:
Publisher: SpeechMasters
File size: 8 VCD - 875 Mb
File type: flv
Published by: ngoctu77 15 July 2008
Designed as a self-teaching fluency-building phonics program, "Master Spoken English" provides comprehensive training via speech exercises and drills. Both fluent native speakers of English as well as those with basic English skills can watch this program to increase resonance, clarity, fluency, and expressiveness. The program provides a color-coded phonic system to aid viewers in the exercises. Word lists precede connected speech, with practice scenes (from actual movies) comprising the third and final level of training. The producers' skill and attention to details such as lighting, composition, and camera work create a program that is useful, informative, and visually pleasing. This is a fine work. Recommended.
# Practical, Intensive Speech Training
# in relaxed settings, for anyone who wants more command of spoken English.
# Comprehensive Training in speech exercises and pronunciation drills.
# A Phonic System that therapeutically realizes vocal energy and explores the musical values of speech.
# Dozens of Practice Scenes from two feature films with all the text on screen color-coded to the phonic system.
# All Original Animation detailing lip and tongue articulation, and points of vibration.
All Original Music that amplifies the phonic properties of the course.
Lesson 1: Structural Action
Lesson 2: Neutral Vowels
Lesson 3: Consonant Action
Lesson 4: More Consonant Action
Lesson 5: Connected Speech
Lesson 6: Intonation & Rhythms
Lesson 7: Practice Scenes
Lesson 8: More Practice Scenes
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