File size: 2.5 GIGAbyte (avi) / 670 MEGAbyte (wmv)
Study English - IELTS preparation, is a series of English language programs for intermediate to advanced learners, which develops skills and strategies for both English language study and those preparing to take the IELTS test.Each program covers a different topic and explores different aspects of the English language. Our content draws on authentic material that you can watch, read and listen to plus study notes, tips and activities for practice and consolidation.Series 1 and 2 of Study English are now available on the website http://www.australianetwork.com/studyenglish/. Details of when the programs are shown can be found under the When to Watch column.
1) HIGH QUALITY VERSION (about 2.5 GB, AVI-format)Video version (more than 4 hours, format avi 720x480, 128kbps) - 1,22x2GB:(all lessons in ONE AVI-file after downloading and extracting from RAR)Disc 1:
1) HIGH QUALITY VERSION (about 2.5 GB, AVI-format)Video version (more than 4 hours, format avi 720x480, 128kbps) - 1,22x2GB:(all lessons in ONE AVI-file after downloading and extracting from RAR)Disc 1:
Disc 2:(all lessons in ONE AVI-file after downloading and extracting from RAR)
Audio version(the same as the video version - 64kbps) - 119MB:
Transcripts - 12,2MB:
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